Aarti Kapoor

Executive Director, Embode 25 years of experience on human rights (focused on labour and exploitation issues). 13 years of direct experience working in business and human rights.

About this speaker

Aarti Kapoor is the Founder and Executive Director of Embode. She is a qualified lawyer in both the UK (England and Wales) and the US (New York state). She also has Masters degrees in 'Law and Economics' as well as 'Systems Leadership and Organisational Analysis'.

Aarti has over 25 years of professional experience, including 20 years working on human rights issues, with a focus on forced labour, human trafficking and child exploitation. She is also a trained Organisational Analyst and has worked in leadership positions in the UK and South East Asia across government, NGOs and corporate agencies as well as undertaken assignments in Eastern Europe and Africa.

Since setting up Embode, Aarti has overseen the growth and strengthening of a broad client portfolio across Asia and Africa in the highly specialised areas of labour rights, child protection and migration. She has directly led Embode's seminal studies such as a series of published assessments called ‘Children at the Heart’ which focused on sector wide issue of child labour in cocoa supply chains in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Indonesia. Aarti also led a comprehensive situational assessment of migrant labour vulnerabilities in the palm oil sector of Malaysia, analysing Nepal as a labour-sending country, resulting in the publication of ‘The Road to Worthy Work and Valuable Labour’. She has led countless other research studies and now focuses on supporting senior leadership teams across corporate business and UN/NGO programmes on effective strategic interventions protecting human rights in supply chains. Aarti sits on a number of expert advisory boards on business and human rights.

Aarti is known in the sector for her analytical mind and capability to think strategically and systemically. She is passionately dedicated to helping organisations reach their highest potential and effectiveness.

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Perspectives from Asia: Ten Years of Work on Responsible Recruitment, What Have We Learnt and What Do We Need to Change?

25 June 2024, 10:00 AM
Sumitha Shaanthinni Kishna Rishi Sher Singh Aarti Kapoor Cindy Berman