Carola Galeppini

Senior Manager, Social Sustainability, Unilever, Unilever

About this speaker

Carola is Social Sustainability Manager at Unilever based in Dubai. She leads on the development and implementation of the forced labour action plan globally. Over the past few years Carola has supported the detection, prevention and remediation of forced labour issues across Unilever supply chain and the wider implementation of the human rights strategy.

Before joining Unilever Carola worked in consultancy in the Climate Change and Sustainability Department for Ernt&Young.

Carola is originally Italian and based in Dubai for the past 12 years.

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Shared Responsibility: Practical Collaboration to Mitigate and Remediate Recruitment Fees

25 June 2024, 11:30 AM
Matthew Jarrett Carola Galeppini Hannah Newcomb Keelong Foo