Paola Cammilli
Global Campaigns Director, Building and Wood Workers' International Expert in global labor rights, Paola Cammilli advocates for migrant construction workers' rights, coordinating trade union actions across migration corridors to ensure fair recruitment, employment processes, and effective worker engagement in origin and destination countries.
About this speaker
Paola Cammilli is the Global Campaigns Director of Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), the Global Union Federation representing more than 12 million workers in construction, building materials, wood and forestry affiliated to 350 trade unions worldwide. In her role, Paola is also in charge of Global Climate Justice, Migrant Rights, and Labour Rights in Mega-Sporting Events campaigns and policies - educating, mobilizing, and supporting trade unions organizing and negotiating protections for migrant workers in construction around mega-sporting events and infrastructure projects. She also works closely with Multinational Companies in the context of cross-border social dialogue and International Framework Agreements ensuring decent work standards for migrant workers across the supply chain. Prior to joining BWI, Paola was responsible for social dialogue, employment, and economic policies in the EU for the European Region of Education International, focusing on the integration of migrants and refugees into the European education system through joint social partners’ initiatives. She has started servicing and organizing migrant workers’ communities over 20 years ago in Italy for social and union movements.