Steve Gibbons

Director, Ergon Associates Steve Gibbons has over 25 years of experience advising on human rights issues, in areas ranging from mega sporting events to financial due diligence. He has worked on responsible recruitment issues across a range of sectors and geographies.

About this speaker

Steve Gibbons is a founding Director of Ergon Associates. Steve is a co-founder of Ergon and has over 25 years’ experience in labour and human rights issues.

He has consulted to major international institutions, multinational companies and not-for-profit organizations , including the ILO, World Bank Group, FIFA, the European Commission and a range of international companies. He has worked in more than 25 countries across sectors including sports, mining, retail, agribusiness, finance, pharma, hospitality and clothing and merchandise supply chains. Steve specializes in supporting clients with: 

  • Practical steps to implement human rights due diligence, from strategic analysis to site specific actions
  • Alignment with emerging legislative requirements – from CSDDD to national modern slavery legislation
  • Development of human rights grievance mechanisms
  • Development of innovative training and learning programmes.
  • Facilitation of strategy dialogues and processes

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Responsible Recruitment Policies into Practice: Operational Realities on the Ground

25 June 2024, 02:00 PM
Evan Cupido Sonia Eiras Sánchez Steve Gibbons Stephen Slack