Anna Pienaar Bart Devos Rae Lindsay Maria Isabel Cubides Sanchez

Protect and Respect: The Impact of New Human Rights Legislation on Collaborations Between Companies and Government

Speakers: Maria Isabel Cubides Sanchez , Anna Pienaar , Rae Lindsay and Bart Devos

About this Session

As new legislation comes into force globally to drive human rights due diligence and tackle forced labour, the case for collaborations between businesses and with business and government grows. This session explores what makes collaborations effective and examines how legislation such as the EU Forced Labour Ban, US Tariff Act and EU CS3D will influence future collaborations.

26 June 2024, 09:00 AM

GFRR 2024 Livestream

09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

About The Speakers

Maria Isabel Cubides Sanchez

Maria Isabel Cubides Sanchez

Senior Manager, Social Sustainability & Human Rights, The Consumer Goods Forum

Anna Pienaar

Anna Pienaar

Head of Unit, Labour Migration Pathways, Business and Human Rights, International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Labour migration, business and human rights expert with experience building multi-stakeholder partnerships aimed at reducing exploitation of workers in global supply chains.

Rae Lindsay

Rae Lindsay

Partner, Clifford Chance LLP

Bart Devos

Bart Devos

Vice President of Public Policy, Responsible Business Alliance