Neill Wilkins

Head of Migrant Workers Programme, Institute for Human Rights and Business IHRB lead on migrant workers and responsible recruitment programme.

About this speaker

Neill manages all aspects of the IHRB Migrant Workers programme and helped oversee the development of the Dhaka Principles for Migration With Dignity - a set of human rights based principles that offer a clear framework for understanding the recruitment and employment of migrant workers worldwide. The current focus for the programme is ethical recruitment and in particular the payment of recruitment fees by migrant workers. IHRB are working with others to promote increased due diligence by business and establish the principle of “Employer Pays” (the cost of recruitment) as the norm across all industry sectors and locations.

Neill also manages IHRB engagement with the modern slavery agenda and speaks regularly at events focussed on forced labour, trafficking and transparency legislation. He has worked extensively with the construction, apparel and hospitality sectors both in the UK and elsewhere including the Gulf and SE Asia.

Neill previously worked as part of the Campaigns Team at The Body Shop International where he was involved with a number of environmental and human rights campaigns.


Opening Remarks & Featured Speakers

25 June 2024, 09:00 AM
John Morrison Sumitha Shaanthinni Kishna Rakesh Ranjan Neill Wilkins Sudeep Kunwar

Responsible Recruitment: Understanding and Managing Regional Complexities

26 June 2024, 01:30 PM
Tamara Juburi Bonny Ling Neill Wilkins Thi Thi Thein

Closing Remarks

26 June 2024, 04:30 PM
Sudeep Kunwar Neill Wilkins Sumitha Shaanthinni Kishna